Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

DynamiteCovers E-zine Ads (Highly Recommended!)

Drive 317% More Customer Actions!

Do you sell an intangible product online, such as a service,
software or subscription -- something people can not touch or
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Thursday, March 26, 2009

First, writing and selling ebooks is NOT easy, it takes time

I've done the hard work for ten years; I've spent thousands of hours learning every trick in the book; I've gone through the pain of making every mistake one could make... so unless you're a complete dumb ass, there is no reason for you to do those things and lose your shirt when you start out!
To begin with, I'm not a guru! The only people that use that term are people who use it to describe themselves.
In a nutshell, I used to be an inner-city teacher. I wrote a couple very small booklets, and--for some reason they started selling. In fact, they sold so well that I quit teaching so I could do this full time.
Oh, my name is Mike McMillan. And here is an email address where you can reach me. If you have questions about my product , or--you need help with your book project, you have no reason now not to get help.
That's about me and that's not important. What is important is you! I'm assuming you have either written an ebook and are trying to figure out how to sell it, or--you want to write an ebook and make some money with it. Whichever the case...
STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW! You are going to run into roadblocks, frustrations, and costly mistakes--and then you will simply give up before you make a dime. But if you think I'm wrong, go ahead, bull your way forward, and then come back in a few months tired, frustrated and broke! Flattened wallet in hand, and hopes of success dashed--maybe you will listen to me then.

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